Tutorial: Mise en Place

Hello readers many people do not know what Mise en place is. It is defined as a French culinary phrase which means "putting in place or "everything in its place." It is the basic way of preparing your food to make it the most efficient way to successfully prepare food and many people do not know how to properly do it so here are a few steps and tips to successfully preform Mise en Place.

Step 1:
Read the recipe.
Purchase food items needed.
 Ask yourself what produces you need to make the product.
Family Favorites Printed 4x6 Recipe Cards

Step 2:
Prepare your work space. 
 Prepare sanitation bucket. 
 Prepare wash stations. 
 Sanitize counters and work stations. 
 Locate trash receptacles for waste food waste/scraping.
 Clear counters of unnecessary items.
Image result for prepared cooking workspace

Step 3:
Prepare the equipment.
 Check that all equipment is clean before food preparation 
 Preheat ovens
 Prepare pans
 Set out small utensils and other necessary equipment.
Image result for prepared cooking equipment

Step 4:
Gather ingredients 
 Pre-measure all ingredients into prep cups and bowls.
Image result for measuring cooking ingredient
Step 5:
Prepare ingredients and place in bowls. 
 Ingredients can be pre-cut before putting in bowls. 
This may include washing, knife work, etc. before putting into prep cups and bowls.

Image result for gathering cooking ingredient

Step 6:
 Begin cooking. 
 Clean as you go to help with time management!
Image result for cooking

Happy Mise en Placing! 


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