Cooking Quote

Hello readers, last time we chatted I showed you a quote that meant a lot of meaning to me. I loved doing that so much I decided to pick another quote involving cooking to relate to you, the reader. Many of you may not think that you are a good cook, or people may even tell you just that. But in reality everyone is still learning when they cook, even professionals. Cooking is meant to fail and learn from your mistakes, so take the self doubt you have of being a bad cook and face it had on. In all reality cooking is not about the taste of the food. Maybe a little, but it is many about the people you are having the food with. the food may not last in your mind forever but those loved members in your life will. So take every moment you have in the kitchen and make your food out of the love for your family members. Overall, food is a way to get your family and friends together celebrate your success of cooking, and make lasting memories, it may not be the fanciest or best food but it was food made from the hard and to have loving intentions. Remember this when you are feeling like a terrible cook, their is a moral behind every meal, and that moral is love.
Image result for cooking family


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