New Year's Resolution

  1. Drink more water.
Image result for water bottle
I could drink more water by bringing a water bottle everywhere with me, and set a goal to drink a certain amount of water each day. I do not drink enough and if I have it right in front of me, I will be forced to have more water.
2. Keep my room clean.
Image result for cleaning
I could put clothes or other things away right away instead of throwing it on my floor. This way it will be put away and there will not be clothes or other things all over my floor.
3.Go to bed earlier/ get better sleep.
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I could set an alarm to go to bed at a certain time, and not watch Netflix before bed so I do not keep pressing the continue watching button. I watch way to much Netflix at night which keeps me up way to late, so if I do these things it will help me go to bed earlier getting me more sleep.
4. Do not procrastinate.
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I could start my homework or study right when I get the assignment instead of leaving it off for the last minute. This way I could get my homework done earlier and later I will not be so stressed to get it done, and could gain sleep ( my 3rd resolution) and relax later.
5. Walk my dog more.
Image result for walk dog
I walk my dog sometimes during the week, but I would like to walk him more for his benefit of getting out of the house, and also mine. I could make a plan to walk him the day before by putting my dogs leash by the front day. So after work I remember to walk him and be able to do it everyday.


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