Guest Post

Hello everyone! My name is Makayla Schutz and I will be taking over Alisha's cooking blog. My Blog is  Today I will not be talking about a recipe, I will be telling you about being lactose intolerant. When I was born I was really sensitive to certain types of formula's and I would throw up every time that I would eat. As I got older I really enjoyed milk and dairy products, so my mom decided that I should just take a lactose pill. After a few years I grew out of being lactose intolerant, it is very common for young kids to grow out of it. Fast forward about fifteen years ahead, I have grown out of my love for milk. I do not drink it at all I think it is gross and only drink it at school because they do not have water cups anymore. About two weeks ago it all started again, about twenty minutes after I would eat a meal I would get a super bad stomach ache. I have never had a stomach ache that was as bad as the ones I was experiencing. At first we did not know what it could be because I have eaten dairy again for the last fifteen years. My mom thought that it might have been that I was eating some salsa that was hot. That my stomach was not agree with the salsa. So I stopped eating the salsa, hoping that would help. But sadly it did help. Then we thought was is something that I eat everyday, the only thing that came to mind was diary. This past Friday night, we had pizza for supper not even thinking that it could give me a stomach ache. When I was at the basketball game I could feel the stomach ache coming on. I had had enough of being in pain after each time I eat. So my mom thought that the only way to figure this out was to cut dairy from my diet. So Saturday I did not eat any dairy, and I felt fine all day. I have never been so happy to not have a stomach ache. Again Sunday I did not eat dairy, once again I felt fine. So We came to the decision that I need to cut out dairy permanently. I know what your thinking, how can u be lactose intolerant when you are young and then be fine for fifteen years and then become lactose intolerant again. But it is actually very common for teens my age to become lactose again. So now if I want to eat dairy I have to take these lactose pills.


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